Giving it a go at FullTilt Rush Poker. So far so good. Not had a losing session in one week. Up approx 8-10 buy=ins, even with some very brutal rivers.
So far, I think aggression is the key. As far as the game itself, this fast format really sharpens the following skills: -bet sizing -reckognizing dry flops -playing position -effective stack and pot odds calculations -trapping
An "optimal" strategy would be one where your opponent cannot improve his expectation by unilaterally changing his strategy. - Didace
"Play to make as many 'mathematically correct' decisions as possible, and let the results look after themselves." Mark Holland (Sit-n-Go Planet)
"Poker is a game of range, equity and maximization. You figure out your opponent's range for any given action, you figure out your hand's equity vs. that range, and then you decide how to maximize your equity vs. their range." Casaubon
"Poker is a game of very fine edges, where you are rewarded for making a lot of good decisions that are, mathematically speaking, only slightly better than the alternatives." Matt Maroon
"Everybody will eventually run worse than they thought was possible. The difference between a winner and a loser is that the latter thinks they do not deserve it." IrieGuy
"Tilt is simply being a baby over variance. Face the fact that poker will often disappoint you, and do everything in your power to control what you can to reach a favorable outcome." Bond18
Tournaments are not won one hand at a time; they are won through the accumulation of information over many hours. Matt Matros
"The bigger your edge is at a given table, the more the concept of passing up thin edges for future edges when your risk/reward is fairly skewed becomes important" Rizen
"Tourney poker is not about getting all your chips in when you are ahead, it is about getting your opponent to put in more chips than he should when he is behind." CardSharpCook
"Poker is not so much about what cards you play from what position as it is about how you adjust your own game to beat individual players. Plans need to constantly adjust depending on who has called, the flop texture and the depth of stacks relative to your position in a tournament." Mark Holland (Sit-n-Go Planet)
"You can not define your pushing range without first deciding what range of hands your opponent will call with." Mark (Sit-n-Go Planet)
"Good players don't put their opponent on a hand: they put him on a range of hands. Your read on your opponent does not define the range of hands; the read assigns the weight of likelihood of each possibility." grapsfan
"Bad players assign far too much likelihood to hands they can beat, and not enough to the hands which beat them." grapsfan
"Mixing up is usually an excuse to make a -EV play but pretend that you're so good you're going to some how turn it into a +EV play." Casaubon
"You can't fold your way to the top of a tournament. This doesn't mean you need to take unreasonable risks, but you MUST take reasonable risks." MagicMark
"Why try to outplay someone (who you think is good) in a marginal spot." Lucko21
"Just because you lost a hand doesn't mean you did anything wrong." Lucko21
Favorites, even big favorites, don't come with moral entitlement; they don't "deserve" to win. John Vorhaus
"People in the blinds go to only bring a hand you want to go to war with." ryzies
"The brutality that I've experienced the last few months in these tournaments almost can't be explained in words." Shannon Shorr
"It's easy to bet great cards, harder to bet weaker cards and hardest of all to fold good cards." djh860
"If you can't afford to gamble, you go into the guy with your head up and your eyes open and hit him with your face." Jerry Kramer, Wedge 31 (Quarterback Sneak), Ice Bowl 1967, Green Bay 21 Dallas 17
"Present a man with enough heartbreak, losing, and frustration, and he will crumble." Brian Dilsheimer
"This hand [my Ah9h UTG] is crap." Annie Duke, Baden Bei Wien, Austria, May 2006
"It ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" Rocky Balboa
"I had to make a choice between being a lawyer or a professional gambler. I chose the honorable of the two." David "Chip" Reese
"If you are going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill
"When you meet silk, advance. When you meet steel, retreat." Japanese military proverb
"If the enemy is in range, then so are you." Unknown