Wednesday, August 6, 2008

August 2008 Recap

3/9 ITM shove A9 into AQ
3/9 ITM
7/9 but pokerstars doesn't count
ok so i finish the month with a winning session.

lost every race, lost every dominating showdown, lost every tournament. not how i wanted to end the month.

3/18 ITM august ending ok. i have just one other session planned.

2/45 ITM called all in too wide heads up K4s < ATo
20?/90 shoved too wide at 10bb, prolly should have been more patient.

it's the morning after and i've already forgotten almonst everything that happened, so i can't offer much detail. i did win game #1, and i got lucky to stay alive on the bubble in game #2 and ended up winning that one too. game #3 i flopped a wheel but lost to a better straight to deny me the hat trick. a good, fun night for me to help counter the goose eggs i've been accumulating online. we were short handed the whole night, playing 6-handed twice, and notables bdd67 and I.B. were absent.

i think one interesting hand from the night involved VCDuke vs daozi. the lack of stack sizes are gonna kill the analysis here, but at the time i was thinking that this hand should have been played quite differently. VCDuke flatted pre and daozi raised to 750, VCDuke called. flop comes 9sTs5c. VCDuke shoves (more than a pot-size push), daozi goes into the tank and calls. Does VCDuke want a call? If he wants daozi's chips, does he shove? Is there a draw in play here? If so, who and what?

I have some thoughts on this hand, but can't show my playbook with the upcoming Conshy Classic local tournament. What say my readers?

haven't been blogging much and haven't been recapping my playing.
3/45 ITM busto as the favorite but not a bad run
12/45 really played well but an accomplished player got the best of me by making a play on my BvB steal then stacking off on me next hand with a real hand JJ > AQ. i normally don't stack off with AQ but he seemed to be accumulating to make his run. he eventually took second.

2/18 ITM should have won this one
44/45 AA < QJo of course

1/9 ITM small stakes just killing time

2/9 ITM hey a cash is a win on pokerstars. played a solid heads up player with a 11% ROI. lost a key hand and never recovered.
5/45 ITM really wanted more than this as i am making a nice run on fulltilt. ran 55 into TT to bust
?/180 busto KK cracked of course

12/27 still 0-7 in the SBOP private tournament on PokerStars. had AA,AA,AK,QQ and got absolutely no action. yet if i start to open wide, then i get called! i evenually shoved 88 into 99 to bust.
2/9 ITM played a very successful, very skilled player heads up. obtained a slight lead but then lost a hand to a better kicker and from there it was over.

2/9 ITM
1/45 ITM the long awaited win. i published this as a goal back in December 2007 and have a number of second and third place finishes. it's not THAT big of a deal but it's always nice to hit a goal. it's a little anti-climactic though since i did get a 1/90 win a few weeks prior. i still want to take 1/180 on PokerStars though.


I am VERY upset I will have to miss the EPT Barcelona Open due to this tournament. Spain is very near the top of the list of places I'd like to visit next. This is a very tough decision for me, but I believe the Conshy Classic wins out for the following reasons:
1. Buy-in for: Barcelona Open: 8,000 EURO, Conshohocken Classic: $75 including food and drinks.
2. Distance to: Barcleona Open: 3900 miles, Conshohocken Classic: 3.9 miles
3. Odds of winning: Barcelona Open: 0, Conshohocken Classic: 8:1
4. Players I want revenge on: Barcelona Open: 0, Conshohocken : 39

I also will miss the Borgata Poker Open but that I can play anytime.

BTW 8/27/08 home game hand, daozi: AdKh, VCDuke: 5s5d

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