Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 2008 Recap

i continue to run bad on PokerStars, getting rivered 4-flush to bust two tourneys. one tourney i got AA, AA, KK in a row and saw no action (one of them improved to quads). later i pick up 77 with a board 663 and lose to a slow-played AA. so i bad night for me.

2/9 ITM rare for PS, but busted 3 others on crazy hands. did i mention that players at this buy-in on pokerstars are really bad?

1/18 ITM
3/9 ITM
both tough final tables. play on FullTilt is so much better than PokerStars and it's not even close. i haven't posted my numerous bust outs on PokerStars so don't get the impression i'm crushing the online scene.

1/9 ITM maybe i should stick with STTs for a while...

2/9 ITM
3/9 ITM
but still running bad. busted one or two others, don't remember.

an exact replica of last session. i have concluded that i cannot play poker at the smaller buy-ins. the play is just too bad. i have not seen play this bad in a while, and it's hard to beat a table that has multiple opponents playing any two cards.

11/90 bubble boy
I played great poker tonight. didn't matter though. first losing session in maybe two weeks.
one busto hand hurt particularly bad. i just can't hit AK for my life.

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5/45 ITM but whiffed 4 others. ran into brick walls on FTP, ran into donks on Stars. might take more time off for video review.

2/9 ITM but uber-donked off two other SnGs (one of which I played very well and am disgusted over how I gave it away. Just happy to finish slightly up on the night.

1/9 ITM
only had time/energy for a SnG. played a long, difficult heads up battle against th/\rchitect, a successful player at these buyins. also down to 4 were 2CardReaPeR and RVR_KNG1, both profitable players. this felt like a genuine win.

3/45 ITM
donk sucked out on my KQ < KT same old same old.
donked away two other 45s though. AK hasn't hit in at least the last 4 showdowns i can remember.

13/180 ITM
SB raised half my stack so I come over top from BB with AKo, he calls and his 55 holds up. not a bad run but I did play more passively than usual since I was reviewing some teaching videos at the same time.

4/90 ITM
busted by calling a donk who was shoving T5 into my A9. Flop JTT. LOL donkaments.

been tired lately but managed to play some SnGs tonight.
2/9 ITM
3/9 ITM
8/9 AA cracked by K8.

Sheets, Loretta8, and M.B. playing day 2b in the main event.
EDIT: everyone busted on day 2B. nice run and good luck next year guys.

1/18 ITM
busted a 27,180,180 though.

1/9 ITM fought back from low stack. played this sng very well.
2/45 ITM lost a 2:1 chip lead. should have taken this one down.

rooting for my online heroes playing the main event.

let's try out the pxf hand replayer...
last hand before break - do i want to get involved here?

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