Monday, January 27, 2014

ITM at 2014 Wall Pajama Classic

I placed 5th out of 27 in this year's Wall Pajama Classic. Drove 2.5 hours to see high school buddies, got stock behind two spiteful sand trucks that were de-icing the roads as it snowed. Arrived upset but calmed down after eating. Key hand, among others, was down to 5 handed, raising a short stack all in, my K6o to his Ad8d board 6d4d2s, he had lots of outs and hit his flush, proper call but if I win that hand, i believe I win this tournament. I also got my 89o all in with a board of 9xx and was looked up by AKo, who hit the turn and crippled me. I'm then all in from the small blind with 67o and hit two pair against big blind, but her T7o also hit two pair.

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