Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 2009 Recap

22/180 nice run but no ITM. one hand did me in. may post it here...
4/180 ITM nice run but small ITM

Main Line Poker Club: i chopped-first game #1, bubbled game #2 55 < QTs, busto game #3. we should be back on track for a monthly game again.

3/45 ITM a little back on track. dinking around with some token frenzies too.

I really hit a bad streak the last week in February and have started off March just as poorly. Hoping things will turn around at Caesars. Stay tuned for updates at the breaks.

WSOPC Event #3
break #1: entering level 4 i am short 20bb,m~10. two others from the group have busted.

break #2: 360/983 left. i have 9bb.

break #3: busto just prior to dinner. i shoved KQh into a tighty/shorty with board 2h34h, did not think thighty would call of 7bb with AQo. i did not get the flush or pair so i'm out.

congrats I.B. for finishing ITM at 61/983

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